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Tell them everything about yourself: You should also know about the other girls escorts in Kanchipuram working with us because they might help you out if there is any problem with your girl or she has some problem with her health or anything else. So, tell them everything about yourself and what you like in them so that they can make you as comfortable as possible. This is also important because we must make our girls happy and serve them from the heart. If we don't follow these rules, then it will be tough for our girls to work correctly and efficiently because they might face some problems in their lives from other people.
Tell them your expectations: If you do not tell her anything about this, she might not be able to do anything for you, and she might do things that are not very good for your body. So, tell them how you want her to fulfill your desires and ensure they are not doing anything wrong for you. If she knows about your rules and regulations, then she will do everything by these rules and regulations because the main thing is that you must be happy with them.
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Be comfortable: If you don't want to have any physical contact with her, then that's also something that we have to follow. It will be impossible for us to make these ladies happy if we cannot satisfy their bodies, and they also might get tired of their work if they are not wearing the required dress according to the time of their work. So, to make our girls happy, you must be comfortable with them.
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Be consistent: If our men are changing girls swiftly and frequently, then it will not be possible for the girls to do anything for them. So, if you want to get a good service from our models, you should keep consistency in your work and maintain good respect towards the girl you will meet. If she knows she will meet a man inconsistent with his work, she might feel bad and leave her job.
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Choice: You can choose from various girls with different profiles. Some girls have been in the business for many years, and they know exactly what to do with their clients to make them happy.
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